Thursday, July 1, 2021

Little House on the Prairie

 De Smet South Dakota was the home of Laura Ingalls Wilder. It was a sixty mile drive to De Smet. Everywhere you go is always a long, straight drive. The TV series from 1974 was based upon her book, Little House on the Prairie, among many other books. The family lived in a few surrounding states but De Smet was their main home. We toured the existing buildings in town and heard their story from the tour guide. They had a hard life. The TV series was not filmed here.

The Ingalls lived in this house when first arriving at De Smet.
The surveyors work for the railroad but had left town.

Our tour guide in the Surveyors House.

Our guide explaining the first town school building.

1886 Prairie Schooner

Laura Ingalls at age 15 taught school for a short time in the Webster School
(replica of original).

Pa Ingalls built this house where family lived until death.

Original photo of Ma Ingalls sitting in this corner of the parlor.

Many items in the house are not original but this was built by Pa Ingalls.

Mary Ingalls, Laura's sister, went blind from meningitis.
This was part of the TV series.

Bible in brail.

Not the Ingall's property but an old abandoned house along the highway.
There are others still standing as you drive through the country.

Farmers, we assume, bail hay along the highways.
A good deal for farmers and SD does not need to mow the grass.
The roads in South Dakota are great.